Nursing Research Directory

 Create Your New Record

 Interactive Directory: new record.


Join your colleagues in supporting research and research utilization. By creating your own record you choose what elements of your information will be public or private. Only you, or the NYSNA administrator of this site, can change your record. Submit as much, or as little information as you like. We must have an email address for you in order to administer this site. You may choose whether or not to make that address public. Keep in mind the purpose of this directory is to help our colleagues so the information you provide is of the sort you would need if you were the person looking for a resource for your current project. Feel free to update this record as often as you like.
If you have a Curriculum Vitae or website elsewhere, you can make it easy for yourself by simply typing in the URL for that website.

Welcome to our interactive directory and thank you for doing your part to support nursing research in New York State.

Please click on the "Continue" option to proceed, or "Cancel" to return to the Welcome page.
If you need more help, please complete our comment form or call NYSNA's Research and Planning Program if you feel there is a problem at 518-782-9400.